Friday, October 1, 2010

I'm All Wet

A great (and I mean legend...wait for it...DARY) CBC guide, when in response to Harrison Ford said, "I'm all wet!" Well KCL and London make me feel the same because after the past few days I am indeed all wet! Yesterday I was lazy and didn't want to do laundry. Naturally I would wait until the rainy day to do laundry when yesterday it was sunny all afternoon. Then of course I don't pay attention to the signs and once I get there I realize they don't take 5p coins, only 10p and up, so I had to run all the way back in the rain to get more change. For all you GW people, the laundry room is in another building so its like walking from Ivory to New Hall (no its not Amsterdam), but luckily the area is residential so not everyone gets to see my dirty laundry and such. Laundry is the one thing cheaper in the UK. It only costs 1.20 for wash, which is comparable to in the US given the exchange rate, but drying is 20p for 15min cycles,which you can always add more.

There was really no reason for the GW info session in all honesty. I was WET because I got lost finding the place as usual, plus my umbrella broke and Sainsbury's didn't have any. I don't understand how thats possible. This is England for god's sake. Although GW more then made up for it with dinner at Taz, a Turkish resturaunt. It was completely free and the food was so good. There was endless bread with appetizers including hummus and tibouli and some other dishes. Then I got moussaka for dinner and then finally for desert we had bhakalava and some apricot dish. The espresso wasn't bad, the sugar cubes didn't really break up so it was really sweet at the bottom Best meal I've eaten so far and it was a price I can afford: free! Finally the tuition money is reaping its benefits.

Passed on going to Koko tonight, but tomorrow GW is taking us on a walking tour of London, then a river boat ride down the Thames, lunch, and a tour of the Tower of London all for free! Oh how I love free stuff, makes it well worth staying in and giving my wallet (and liver) a night off...

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