Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Love Jaffa Cakes!

I really do love Jaffa cakes (more on that in a bit), but I really don't get the whole lasagna and cole slaw thing. Cole slaw is something that you only eat because when you're older you learn to tolerate cabbage and only during the summer months with a hot dog or a hamburger. Honestly never thought of having it with some italian food, but then again I'll have to try it before being the judge. If I am brave enough to try it...

Back to Jaffa cakes, why do these things not exist in the US! I mean who ever came up with the idea of putting a sponge cake, a bit of orange jam and a chocolate topping is like Jesus in my eyes. I think my theory is true that the Brits really do know how to make good cookies/deserts, just not too good at putting side dishes with main courses, but I guess I should try it first like I said.

And you can get Jaffa cakes at Morrison's for only 35p! If that isn't a deal I don't know what is. For some reason cookies and such are way cheaper here, yet fast food is more expensive. Morrison's is also my new favorite store by the way. Any place that sells English muffins for 15p is my favorite store. I also really tempted to buy either the Simpsons or Thomas the Tank shaped pasta, I'll get that next week I suppose.

Never got around to the British History Museum. I will next Thursday, although I am quite annoyed. The first time I am in London would be the ONE time in the past 30 years that King Tut is on loan in New York City. I have been obsessed with pharaohs since I was 5, back to when I thought the King Tut exhibit at Busch Gardens was real.And of course the exhibit is leaving New York City in December so I can't even stop after the airport to see the King for a bit.

Also I would like to point out ever since I had my epic break down/trek to find an umbrella in London, it has not rained since last Tuesday. Only I would go a week in the rain and then finally buy an umbrella before a 2 week dry spell. At least I'm not wet.

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