Monday, October 4, 2010

Asians (and Snape) Dig Me

So this morning I woke up, and had a banana with some tea. I was minding my own business, reading my Facebook news feed when I received some random message from an Asian guy (or as the British say Chinese, since Asian is in reference to Indians here) complimenting me on my smile and good looks. While I am flattered, who ever you may be, thanks but no thanks. Really... I'm still kind of weirded out by the whole thing.

This morning's commute took longer then usual because we had ourselves a good old tube strike today! It ended up taking me an hour to get to class today since I needed to take the bus. I just don't understand why they went on a one day strike. Are they really protesting the proposed 800 job cuts or did workers associated with Transport for London secretly want a three day weekend?

That guy I spoke of last week who was kind of like Hermione Granger, well he was at it again. Every person who walked into lecture today he had to tell them about how he went to the British Museum this weekend and went to all three wings of the museum: the red, green, and blue. This was followed by a description of what was in each room and the massive dinosaurs and whale they had. Then there was more about going to see Harry Potter and such. By this point me and some of the other people have had enough and are laughing to ourselves. My luck he turned around and asked if I was ok. I just responded, "Yea...allergies, they're killing me..." My laughing soon turned to fake choking and I pretended that my eyes were watery as a result of my "allergies". He didn't seem to notice I was lying. Oh I forgot, throughout this whole speech he was talking in a monotonous voice. Truely adds to the annoyance.

At long last, the moment you have all been waiting for came after War Studies. I had my first class with Snape today! Although I must say, while he does look and sound like Snape, he sure as hell mumbles like Ozzy Osborne. I didn't think it was possible for one to rant on about pottery and the excavation process for two hours without stopping or asking if there were any questions. At one point he asked if anyone knew what the picture on the pot represented about Greek daily life. In order to fill the awkward silence he just went on a mumbled rant about how if we didn't answer he was just gonna continue bantering and that we need to observe then make an informed guess about the significace of the art work. You following all this? I sure wasn't during lecture. I was able to identify that one pot that featured a man, etching the outline of a boy's foot in order to make a shoe. Then of course Snape said, "10 points for Gryffindor". But no honestly he just said very good and continued rambling.

After class I took the bus back again. When I got home I found out the Northern Line actually had service today. I'm just gonna pretend I never heard that.

Today's food section is very short. The only thing food related is that on the bus home I saw a Chinese take away restaurant (Brits say take away not take out). I have been craving General Tso's chicken ever since.

Also, I saw that some buses have the minions from Despicable Me displayed all over them. I am determined to ride one of them!

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