Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm No Longer Wet!

A certain English teacher once told me that organization is the key to success. That is very true I've come to realize. That applies in the literal sense of organizing your belongings but also in the sense of time management. That's my problem. I feel like since I've been here I have had no sense of time management because the commute from Hampstead to Strand for classes is kind of a pain. Some times you can make it there in 30 minutes sometimes it could take almost 50, it all depends on the bus schedule and the traffic on the tubes. More on that in a bit.

Tuesday I didn't have class until 4pm so at 1pm I decided I was going to go buy an umbrella from the shop at my tube stop and then go to Charring Cross to exchange the $110 (70 pounds) I found in my wallet. I get to the shop and there was a wide selection of umbrellas. I didn't think it was actually possible but hey this is London. The woman was showing me ones with long handles, ones made of wood, one that were compact. I responded by asking simply what was the cheapest. The cheapest one was 6 pounds. I only had a 5. They didn't take debit or credit. Next thing you know I am off the Charring Cross minus my umbrella.

Because it was the afternoon, there was no traffic so I got there in 20 minutes. I exchanged my money and then it was only 1:45. I figured I might as well go to the library. And then the drops of rain started falling. I needed an umbrella because I didn't want to be wet or ruin my red Pumas. Everyone knows that I'm not a cheap person, but there is no way in hell I am paying 14 quid for a friggin umbrella. So next thing you know I am BACK on the tube to Hampstead to buy my umbrella. Then on the tube I realize the soup I had for lunch wasn't enough so now I'm hungry. Should have gotten a 2pound meal deal from Tesco. So now I am tired, hungry, and semi-wet on my way to get an umbrella. I get the umbrella at Hampstead, no Tesco's close by. To make matters worse, its now sunny. I bought it for nothing.

So it's now 2:15. At 2:30 I left Hampstead again just so I could go to Strand and get food from Tesco because I was starving. I finally get my meal and  I am about to sit down at long last. Then, there was a fire drill...I can't even eat in peace!

By this point at least I am no longer hungry and no longer wet. But now I'm tired because we had to watch The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in Film Studies. It's a silent film for 1920. Don't ask me the plot because quite honestly I didn't get it. The last 20 minutes totally came out of no where.

I thought I would have a quite night, but thankfully two of my friends were going out for a drink. We'll five hours and three bars later I was finally on my way home. I needed it though after the day I had (also the larger size pints makes a big difference). It took the pain away of running around London for an umbrella and being hungry, tired, and wet.

So remember kids, organization is the key to success! (Ignore the whole going to the bar scene part if you are under age, I'm not being a good influence in that respect I suppose)

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