Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Lacking Motivation

I know that they told us before we came to the UK, that the British educational system is more hands off then in the US (ie reading more independently), yet I still find it hard to focus. Then again this could be because I am reading Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Waltzer and that in itself will put anyone to sleep. But really I feel like I procrastinate even more here and I procrastinate a lot at home.

Despite Sainsbury's high prices I am in love with their fig rolls. I may have eaten a hole pack of them Saturday night? Cider does that to you trust me. And no it is not old lady-esque to eat fig rolls, like some people have told me. They are really, really good. One thing the Brits have down pat is good cookies and sweets to snack on. On another food related note while waiting for the bus today (which seemed endless) the Oriental Star restaurant looked so good. Had the 13 bus taken a bit longer I may have just gotten take out for dinner instead of eating my leftovers from last night.

This Sunday I did my good day of the week and talked with my family on Skype. I was asked by certain family members (who I will not name here) what kind of cars they drove, if there were bugs here, and is cider really alcoholic and how? I had a whole list of potential questions going into my skype date. Guess I have to be more mentally prepared next time because I had no response to those random questions.

And someone really needs to tell my Greek Pottery Professor (aka Snape) to quick mumbling. Literally it is an hour and a half each week of him just rambling about pots without raising his voice a decibel. The only time he ever seems to make any sense is when he mutters about something wrong about the American twang. This week he told masters students to stop referring to themselves as "masters students" like Americans do. The proper term is MA. I really don't see the big deal, either way I'm still paying a ridiculous amount of money to get an upper level degree. I feel like you can call yourself whatever you want, MA, masters, grad student...

Also, it is really rude to be eating a Whopper on the tube during rush hour, especially when the tube is packed, I'm starving and its juicy, beefy goodness is the only thing I can smell.

I have my first paper due next week for film studies, a film shot analysis. Not really sure which shot I am going to analyze seeing as there is really no plot to any of the movies we watched so far. Today's movie Partie de Campagne, consisted of some girl being wooed in the countryside by some guy while on vacation, only to marry some drunk moron a year later. Not much character or plot development there...

Yes I am rambling, can you tell that I am trying really hard to not read???

1 comment:

  1. You're reading Just and Unjust Wars?? I have to read that for my Peace Studies class!! I haven't started it yet though. I don't want to.
