Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Survived Narnia

Today I worked up with courage to return to the library after yesterday's painful experience. The only thing getting in my way was the motivation to get out of bed since I don't have classes on Thursdays.Thankfully I remembered that Marie comes in to vacuum. I really find her rude and hate her presence, so that was motivation enough to get to the library. On the tube this Spanish family got on and the little girl ran to sit next to me when all the seats were empty. The Spaniards obviously didn't know I spoke Spanish, so I would like to tell them no wherever they are that yes I do think your daughter rushed to sit next to me because she thought I was "guapo".

I was ready for battle when I got to the library, pathetic I know but I had maps printed out with the specific location of my books, even down to the bookshelf...and I still didn't get it right. I spent 20 minutes looking for Just and Unjust Wars. Attention libraries at the Maughan Library, you don't have your books on the proper shelves. ABC order isn't that hard. I escaped from the library pretty easily, compared to yesterday which made me feel victimized.  I felt so stupid though looking back on it, I didn't realize each room on the 2nd floor had an upper balcony, thats where the book was. Oops... The checking out system was pretty sweet all I had to do was place my card and the books on a scale and it knew my ID and which books I was taking. Take notes GW.

And for those who don't believe how intense this library is, this is it: Quite fancy huh? The rest of my day was pretty blah, I had to haggle with the receptionist to get the mail because he was taking forever to sort it. My books came so I had to be studious and read today, hence why I am writing this now and not out having a fun Thursday night. I read about 100 pages of Film Art (which my TA says in the most annoying Australian accents, not a fan sorry). Thank god though Welsh came to my rescue and posted N'SYNC songs on my wall, so basically I used that as a means of procrastination for about an hour.

I am on a mission to find a way to watch Phillies' games. Watching ESPN gamecast for free is kinda dull, didn't make Halladay's no hitter exciting. Going to see Hamlet tonight should be fun! And also since I am craving pasta and some good pizza I am going to Rome, December 3-5th! By the time I'm done there, Rome will fall again!

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