Sunday, October 24, 2010

Strawberry Gate

Greek Vase from Athens, Notice woman picking her nose
First of all, for those of you who can't pronounce the fruit is called "straw-berry" not "straw-brerry". Last night I decided to have a quiet night in with a few cans of Pimms and "watch" the Phillies on ESPN gamecast since you can't watch baseball in the UK. Given the outcome of the game I am not going to say anymore on the issue. What I will talk about though is how SOME IDIOT here in Hampstead decided to throw strawberries  all down the hallway and all over people's doors. This on top of music blasting at 2:30am, but sadly that is expected here in Rosalind Franklin Hall. All I have to say to whoever did that were lookin' for you and we gonna find you! Also, why!? I mean really strawberries are such a good fruit and no longer in season, why is there to whip them at peoples doors and smear them into the walls to the point that now the walls have a reddish tint to them? Grow up...

Statues from Parthenon
I needed to get out of this immature place and do some work. Snape gave me the option of either reading or going to the British Museum so naturally I took the easy way out and went on a field trip to the British Museum! There were so many pots, but that was overshadowed by the rest of the galleries. My personal favorites were the Rosetta Stone, which is a lot smaller in person, the mummies, and the one statue of some Roman official that has a slight resemblance to Osama Bin Laden (pictured in the blog). But in all seriousness this is probably my favorite museum that I have ever been to. There are so many artifacts dating back to 2000BC from Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia and Assyria to name a few. Another one of my favorites was the clock room that had clocks throughout the years. That clock that looked like a ship was seriously made out of gold. After two hours and almost two hundred pictures later I realized I had not seen all of the exhibits, but me being the history nerd that I am I know I'll be back again.

Rosetta Stone
While the British faction of the Boykos stuggles to survive airial bombings from strawberry throwing bastards, Southern Command is reporting that the Boykos across the pond have avoided the crisis that was "The Rice Affair". Thankfully it is Sunday so that means there is tons of coupons. Reports are that Uncle Ben's is buy one get one free. The Boykos' stomachs will be quiet for quite some time now.

Next Sunday is Halloween already I need an idea for a costume! Since I look like a vampire I may end up going as that but I want to do something different/ interesting. Plus Graham Norton this week, which apparently I forgot to thank my Aunt Victoria for emailing me the mailing list for tickets. All my family does is bitch so they get mentioned in this blog (I still love all of you dearly).

This is actually a clock
Brief food encounter tonight. I see numerous vendors selling what they claim to be "hotdogs". A hotdog is not a sasuage I'm sorry. It is the most disgusting grinded up meat, usually a mixture of pork and beef put in casing. The "hotdogs" they sell on the street is doing injustice to the meat they are selling because true hotdogs are worse then that. Plus you need to have an Iranian American selling you one like Minouch or it isn't the same... Another English roast dinner this Sunday, soooo good.

I'll now leave you with the statue that the woman next to me claimed looked like Osama Bin Laden:

1 comment:

  1. ok, after an hour of looking through all of nph's videos on youtube and sharing them with you, i thought "hey, maybe this will get me a mention on the blog!" Also, i so happen to be me, which means i should get one anyway...but nooooo! so instead I'm gonna use the boykos' way to get things, and bitch until i get a mention. However, you can make it up to me by bring me a bottle (or 3) of pimms no. 1 which thanks you I am now craving.
