Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Well This Just Sucks

I have finally recovered from the trauma that was yesterday. It all started when I was doing the laundry in the rain (as usual). When I came back from putting more money to increase the time on the drier my screen died. This is all i needed.

I simply couldn't wait to see what was wrong with my laptop so I just ran to the PAWS room on campus (which I'm gonna assume stand for Print and Work Station?) to contact my family. Naturally it was friggin 6am in the US so that was no help. Thankfully I found a computer repair store on the Strand because buying a new laptop was simply out of the question. Basically laptops here cost the same only in yeah...don't have that much money. Initially it was going to cost £220 to fix my laptop. Then to add to the chaos I got an email from GW saying they paid for my housing....So basically I paid TWICE for my housing. In a nutshell I lost like over $2,000 in a span of one hour yesterday. To add insult to injury while walking home I got wet my shoe soaked when I stepped in a puddle accidently. So I spent my night in the PAWS room where all the cool kids hang out. I was sitting here minding my own business and out of no where some friggin cat came up next to me. I nearly shit my pants because initially I thought,"SHIT this thing probably is wild and has rabies or something." Apparently I didn't get the memo that we have a "campus cat"...what a waste of money!? At least get a dog.

To add to my frustration I decided to skip go to the screening for my Film Studies. Today they placed a clip of the movie that I missed, Pierrot Le Fou. Thank god I did not stay. All I thought based on this two minute clip was WTF.French people doing impressions of Vietnamese and Americans just blabbling in Vietnamese and saying "New York", "Hollywood"...It made a Quentin Tarantino film look normal.

But today I got some good news. First, I will get my money refunded ASAP, probably by tomorrow which is good. GW is sorting out my financial status thank god. The laptop is not going to cost nearly as much as estimated, but it is going to take a week...fair trade off I guess. So for next week me and the PAWS room are gonna be best buddies. Also, I decided that for Halloween I am going as Wolverine.

Thank god Ana Quijano posted NPH videos on my wall so I can watch them when I feel down and lonely sitting in this room that is so hot I'm sweating my balls off with some stupid cat.

Graham Norton tomorrow!

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