Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Too. Much. Vinegar.

I always wanted to see the Princess Diana memorial in Hyde Park. Binda and I were set on doing that today. First, we were hungry so decided to look for a Tesco, yep another 2 pound meal deal. Apparently Hyde Park is the only area in London where you can't walk more then 2 blocks and find yourself a Tesco. We walked by Harrod's on our quest to find a Tesco and all I can say is this...holy shit. Such a huge department store. I may take a weekend and spend it there.

Since we couldn't find a Tesco we settled for Mark and Spencer's, which I suppose is more of an upgrade, but pricier. I must say though at least this chicken and bacon sandwich is on brown bread and it actually tasted like roasted chicken. I'm still not a fan of the mayo though, way too vinegary for me. And honestly, I would love just for once there to be a multi-meat sandwich in this country. No bacon does not count because that is practically on everything to the point that my pallet no longer has a taste for bacon.

Hyde Park was very pretty. There were lots of birds and ducks in the river, which is my new obsession to take pictures of since they have no fear. Also, my have seen an albino pigeon. I took like three pictures because I thought we were going the right way to the Princess Diana memorial. Two problems with that: one, the arrow pointing to where it was located was incorrect because I didn't see any memorial. Problem two was the fact that I was looking for some nice fountain or statue of Lady Di. Nope apparently the memorial is a stream of some sort with water flowing. I don't think water would be flowing this time of year, so other then the lovely walk and conversation with Brinda, our sightseeing for the day was not too successful.

Dinner was my next tragic fail. I tried to make 16p instant mashed potatoes from Sainsbury's. To start off I did not have any milk so already I was cutting that out. Since I was doing fifty million things, it started boiling quicker then I anticipated and quickly started pouring it in. It was taking for ever so I separated it even more. That was when the whole bag went into the pot and some onto the stove top. Directions only called for half the bag. Probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. As a last ditch (and ultimately futile) attempt to save them I ended up adding more boiling water and butter to them. Paula Deen would have been proud but by this point the consistency was hard, kind of like dough and nothing like mashed potatoes. The amount of butter had turned them from white to a pale yellow. All I had was two fish fillets and corn, and since I only had a chicken and bacon sandwich I ended up eating the mashed potatoes. Mixing the corn in with butter, salt and pepper saved them somewhat. It reminded me of the consistency of a baked potato by this point.

Then I started to cut my fish when I realized that I forgot my tartar sauce. I went to the cabinet squeezed and nothing came out. Screwed off the top and I noticed the cap was still on. Squeezed it again after taking the cap off and it came out watery, not like thick American tartar sauce. I turned the bottle over to look at the ingredients and there it was. . . VINEGAR. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE VINEGAR!? Tartar sauce is supposed to literally be just mayo (made the American way) with pickle relish, not a vinegar based condiment, nor for that matter is ketchup, mayo or mustard! I give up, but since I never show weakness I ate my fish, which was very tasty. This was followed by a fifteen minute breakdown after dinner on AIM with my aunt about how vinegar is in everything and ruins the condiments. I will admit the potatoes was me being stupid, that happens on a daily occurrence, but the vinegar in the tartar sauce was the last straw!

Oh and to top this all off appaently I look like the guy from the Vampire Diaries. I looked him up; it's Paul Wesley. I guess it's better then being told you look like Edward Cullen. Maybe I need to get a tan or something. The whole "you look like a vampire" seems to be a recurring theme.

Hope this isn't too bitchy, because aside from vinegar based condiments I do love it here. I am just really sick of vinegar and the sandwich combinations. I'm eating out this week at a "proper" restaurant. I will sacrifice a night of clubbing and alcohol for it. Or maybe I just need to live up to the name of the blog and get shagged???

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