Sunday, October 10, 2010

Clubbing = Epic Fail

The game plan last night was to go clubbing in Soho. The evening started with the traditional "pre-drinking; I was enjoying some Bulmer's and Henry Weston (which I was calling Uncle Johnny the whole night, don't ask why) cider, but then naturally some mixing ensued. Next thing you know it was 10:30 and we were off for a fun night in Soho, or so we thought...

We first had to go to the bar in order to get wristbands to enter the club we were going to, think by this point we were going to Heaven. The bar played really good music. I was taken back to Al Dyno's History class in 9th grade when "Lose My Breath" by Destiny's Child came on. I got pretty excited I'm afraid to say. The club actually wasn't in Soho we soon realize. It was actually in Charring Cross, not too far from Trafalgar Square, but it was quite a bit of a walk. And then we ended up seeing this massive sea of people about 5-6 people  across wrapped down the alleyway and all around the block. By this point it was 12:30am. There was no way we were getting into Heaven tonight.

So where did we go to spend a fun, happenin Saturday night you ask? Everyone's favorite Scottish restaurant: McDonald's! I was so hungry by this point so I was glad we got food. I had my first Big Mac in years but I swear the burger's were like the size of a hockey puck they were so small. As I was devouring my two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun, I heard the chick next to us arguing with the man sitting next to her. She was American it turns out and the British guy was saying that Obama did not serve in government prior to being elected President. Then chaos ensued, and next thing you know four of us Americans are arguing with him trying to explain to him that yes he did. Now that I am in a proper mental state I can explain this to this man very easily. So this is it: The British term "government" and "administration" are the reversal of what they mean in the US. For example, the "government" in the UK consists of just the Prime Minister and cabinet, whereas in the US it refers to all three branches of government. The "administration" refers to Parliament while in the US it refers to the President and his cabinet. So he was correct if he is using his terminology, but obviously he didn't know jack shit about US politics. Thanks to Harvey Feigenbaum for teaching me that in European Poly Sci.

Then of course he started getting cocky with me and said how the British sacrificed a lot in the American Revolution to which I replied, "well if it wasn't for us during WWII you guys would be speaking German right now so we're even. " Naturally as soon as I said that as there was a lull in the music and noise McDonald's and I started getting really dirty looks. That was my queue to leave...

So clubbing was a bit of a fail, but regardless I had a very fun night! Love it when your night doesn't go according to plan. Makes it more interesting, doesn't it?

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