Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sniffing Vodka and Koko

Alcohol is to consumed through the mouth, no offense to anyone. Through anywhere else I just see it as a waste of money and enjoyment. Apparently you can sniff it. I'm still a bit in disbelief over it but apparently all you have to do is place a cap full of vodka up to your nose, snort it and next thing you know you can't feel your mouth or face and you are falling into the fridge because you lose body control. Either that or you are just over exaggerating for attention. Either way, I prefer to drink my liquids.

That being said...last night we went out to a real club in Camden called Koko. This place was amazing. Basically it was an old movie theater with all the old balconies and such (think the Muppet Show, now only with people dancing and drinking, not two old men making sarcastic remarks) that was converted into a club. It made Town in DC look like APEX, which is saying a lot because I would rather walk into a dark alley with a known serial killer and a rapist lurking before I walk in there). The moment I walked in they were playing "Room on Fire" by The Strokes followed by Bloc Party and I knew that finally there was a club that played the type of alternative rock/pop music that most American clubs don't play.Later on a live band came out on the stage and performed for a bit. The feeling is so different from any American club.

Londoners also know how to party... and party HARD. I would never think off showing up at a club before 11pm and then staying out until 3:30am. I ended leaving before everyone because me and a another girl were so tired. But naturally the London tube system closes at midnight. DC is open until 3am on the weekends, there's a problem here. I hate buses with a passion. I am so clueless as to where to go, so we ended up hoping on a random bus in our general direction. After a failed bus ride and a 30 minute walk in the cold we were finally home at almost 4:30am. I was sobered up by then and suffering from the drunk munchies so I was talking into buying a hot dog for 3 pounds. I only pay that kind of money for Minoush in American money, not in British currency. Such bad life decisions, guess Pimms and cider does that to you.

Finally, what does this engraving on my desk look like? I hope I'm not the only one thinking this...

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