Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last Night Part Deux

Ok after reading that last post I did I realized it sucked, and did not describe the night an its weirdness. So it started out with everyone "pre-drinking", which is one of my new favorite British phrases because quite honestly it doesn't make sense, how does one "pre-drink" by drinking?

After pregaming we headed over to the Camden section of London to go bar hopping (nicer then Camden, New Jersey) of course. The first bar wasn't anything exciting, except the cider was good. I got the munchies and ended up going to the falaffel place across the street, which was reeeaaaaalll good. Of course under the influence of alcohol anything tastes good. Next thing you know the bell was ringing and we had to clear out because it was midnight. This is when the fun begins.

So I'm gonna assume that most Londoners work so they don't typically spend the night up late drinking, but naturally we do so we went on a walk looking for a bar. Epic fail number 1. Lets just say we did a lot of walking and after my mishaps earlier navigating around London I wasn't in the mood for walking. Then we met up with some Spanish people and decided to follow them to some club. We were so close to this really cool club  that had like giant transformer things outside the entrance and an outdoor hooka bar outside, but sadly that was closed.

And then after more aimless walking we were at our next club. I thought I saw it all at APEX on a Thursday night but this truly was the one place where lesbians, older aged couples, and metrosexual (you know the are they or aren't they) type could come together and enjoy themselves. Even weirder was the fact that the DJ was playing techo meets Bob Marley-esque reggae and of course Michael Jackson. In addition for some reason on the giant flat screen TV there was a an old movie playing featuring Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith show. This chick for people going HUH? By this time its about 1AM, I'm tired, and we're basically watching our senior resident what it the equivalent of a House Proctor at GW, drink his ass off with us. Something Matt Rist would NEVER do (I'm sure I'll get a comment about this, so this will prove if people read this shit) Then everyone got all excited. There was a celebrity sighting. I was hoping it would be someone huge like I don't know Dame Edna, or Maggie Smith, or Katy Perry since she lives in our neighborhood. Nope. My first celebrity siting in London was Ronnie Wood from the Rolling Stones 20 year old ex-girlfriend (the one he apparently left his wife for), whose 15 minutes of fame was extended by an appearance on Big Brother in the UK.  Everyone seemed interested, me not so much. What a way to end the night...but of course we ended  up walking home and didn't get back until 3am, because the busses drove off without us. I won't go into detail about that....thats like epic fail number 4 or 5....

Today I got a sandwich that had cheese and jelly on it, surprisingly good. I'd like to apologize now formally to my grandma for making fun of her all these years for eating that. And also I forgot to end the original post  like I promised I would so Clark and Nick, where ever you may be, goodnight!

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