Thursday, September 23, 2010

Professor Snape Hates My American Twang

Severus Snape does exist. I swear my Greek Pottery professor must have been the inspiration when JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter. I had the pleasure of meeting him while meeting with my study abroad advisor here at King's. I could not find my class on the registration page because apparently they had the wrong course ID listed. Naturally, they couldn't help me so they sent me to the department to speak with the secretary. I will say the secretary was very nice. She realized that I was American and proceeded to give me a tour of the Classics department and she came to a realization that the course ID number was indeed incorrect on the Study Abroad website. And then, from the corner of the office comes a voice, almost as if it was Alan Rickman himself, "It's been the same bloody number since 1829, it can't be wrong." The secretary then proceeded to introduce me and say that I was a study abroad student from America. He looked at my hand very oddly as I extended it and said, "I know, I can tell by the twang."

I mean I know that everyone at GW notices my Northeast Pennsylvania accent (which is NOT nearly as bad as the older generation from that area), but TWANG, really? I thought next he would be saying "10 points deducted from Gryffindor." I''m quite fond of my Film Studies professor so perhaps I will refer to him as McGonagall. The day before that tough I was informed that "Waterloo" is not pronounced "Water-loo", it is pronounced "WA-TA-LOOO". The receptionist  at the campus concierge desk stopped me mid sentence to point out the inaccuracy of my pronunciation. I mean, come on, that's one of those "you say tomato I say tomato."

Today, my newest experience into British cuisine was basically pasta with red and green hot peppers. Everyone knows how I like it hot 'n spicy, so naturally I found that quite delicious.

I'll end this post with the following question: How many drunk Brits are willing to snort vodka?

The answer is 4. I'm scarred for life, so maybe I'll tell that story another day...


  1. You do love the hot and spicy ;)

  2. Welsh, if that is you I swear to God I am gonna come across the Atlantic and smack you!

  3. this is pretty funny shit should have petrificus totalus-d that guy
