Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apparently Robinson's is Double Concentrated

Once again, I had another stupid American moment today, but we'll get to that later. First I would like to talk about the good part of the day. After recovering from my night at Koko, I finally decided to do something touristy and ventured out into the neighborhood I live in. The girls and I walked to Hampstead Heath, a giant green space in the middle of Hampstead. Along the way we walked through various alley ways lined with small stores and pubs. My favorite strore that we went into was a vintage book shop that had used books. Being the history geek that I am I looked though the various books written during WWII analyzing what the British should do next to defeat Hitler. (Despite the insight they offered to what people thought at the time, I didn't think they were worth 3 quid)

The Heath was basically a giant green that isn't really manaquered like American parks are such as Central Park. I found it quite quaint and throughout the various fields there were dogs running with their owners and artists sitting in the meadows looking for inspiration, probably writing some crappy novel. Oh and there was also a circus! I don't know why I find that so exciting but I did. The best view of the day was clearly from the top of the hill on Hampstead Heath, from there you were able to see all of central London. I think that is up there with Machu Picchu as one of the best views I have seen.

So for the majority of the day I hadn't done anything stupid that would point out that I was American. Nobody corrected my accent and for once I knew to look right left right instead of left right left. And then Emma noticed I was drinking Robinson's Squash (fruit cocktail) straight from the bottle. I looked down at the label. It was double concentrated and I was supposed to add water. A 1 liter bottle has 20 servings and I had already downed 2/3 of the bottle in one sitting. Oh well...all the sugar didn't make me feel good later though.

Although apparently I do have a good English accent, which is so great to the point that I ended up spending the night around Camden speaking to everyone in an English accent without anyone noticing I was a foreigner. Emma even made me record her voice mail on her cell phone using my accent. Maybe if International Affairs doesn't pan out I have a backup plan!

Quote of the night from Laura after a bottle of Smirnoff Ice broke in the tube station: "Banana!" (said in her "American" accent)

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