Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cory Boyko Is a Sexy Beast

This title has nothing to do with the blog post at all, but my baby brother wanted to be mentioned in my blog for no apparent reason, so now he's getting mocked for it. I guess his curly hair is a turn on for some people, but whatever...

Anyways, there is a real crisis in the UK at the moment...the demise of bookshops! Every single class I have gone to the professor has gone on about how he or she longs for the days when bookstores were once popular and everyone spend hours in them reading. We have that problem in America too, it's called Walmart. Sad to say though the desire for outrageously low prices is innate in all people regardless of national origin. That is why I have no desire to spend a ton of pounds at the bookstore on my books. I am gladly going to Amazon and the library to check them out!

I've also decided that I am going to start the newest fad in the Europe, silly bands. They don't exist here. (And now that I think about it, Cory, was the one who gave them to me so he did get mentioned in this blog anyway). So if someone wants to send me a care package with some silly bands I would love you forever.

My latest failure in British cuisine was cooking what Sainsbury's  calls "Southern Chicken". It even has the American flag on it and everything. Combined with Uncle Ben's 2 minute microwave rices and you know what its quite good. Only problem is this is the first time that I have ever seen raw chicken available in a supermarket with the breading on it! I heated it up in a pan thinking it was precooked only to realize when I cut into it the chicken was pink. I swear someone is trying to kill me... But taste wise it was very good. Had a peppery taste to it kind of like popcorn chicken but in the form of chicken tenders, which is good because most popcorn chicken is all breading and no chicken.

My life seemed like it came full circle today when my cashier was talking to me thinking I was English, even after hearing me speak. She was making fun of the Spaniards behind me who just cut the line randomly to pay for a scale. I felt so touched. It seemed like just last week Snape was saying I speak with an American "twang" and now no one goes "are you American!?" like I belong in a museum or something. I've also found my self starting to say "sorry" in British accent. Basically its the same way the Canadians do, just wonderful...

This has been a pretty random post, but hey everything can't be a narrative. If you live in the UK please contact your MP, save the bookshops!

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