Monday, September 20, 2010

Moving On Up To The East Side...

...of the pond that is. And before I begin, if you get offended by the contents of this blog, then don't red it because I can care less what you honestly think. I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest blogging fan so I don't know how long I'll keep up with it.

Basically, I got shagged (literally) from the minute I came here. It all started with the disabled man who I had as my cab driver, who I believe went the wrong way and got lost only to charge me $80 pounds for a cab ride and give me the advice of having a lot of condoms on me at all times.

I then got shagged again when I had to take the 18 Bus to the Strand Campus to register for my student ID. The bus terminated earlier then usual and I was stuck 20 blocks away from the campus, not having a clue I was going. Naturally the people I asked were the only friggin people in the UK who don't speak English. Luckily after two hours of walking around aimlessly and asking numerous bobbies, I  got there...and to add insult to injury, registration only took 2 seconds.

But thinks started to look up because the I remembered I'm legal and all the people on my floor went bar hoping and for falaffel. Such a great bunch, they're all awesome. Few ciders later, and I forgot all about getting shagged completely by the Brits on my first day.

Oh and then we went the wrong way home...FML

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