Monday, November 1, 2010

You Talk Way Too Much

I was deciding on boycotting the blog until I got my laptop fixed but oh well I gave in. Ok WTF... First of all lets backtrack to Friday night. Who in their right civilized mind would ever think it is cool to cum (yes CUM as in ejaculate sperm) onto someone's door handle. It wasn't mine but really I swear I live with utter scumbags sometimes. I've also come to realize that while indie music is good to listen to on your ipod during rush hour on the tube, it is not my favorite kind of music to dance to and in all honesty I am over going to clubs like that. Plus they also play the same shit over and over and over. Just once, just ONCE I would love a club to play "I Like It" Enrique Inglesias, I don't know why but I am determined to hear that song played. The closest thing they play to a current pop song here in the UK is friggin "I Got A Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas which last time I checked is so Summer 2009 or some of Rhianna's new shit, which quite honestly I am getting sick of. We know Chris Brown hit you, he's wortless, lets move on now...

Saturday I attempted to make custard. I just hate the metric system, safe to say it was an epic fail and came out like soup. From now on I am sticking to Jaffa Cakes.

Now to Sunday night. I went as Wolverine, which I must say looked pretty damn good. I don't have the pics uploaded yet since the laptop is still getting repaired. I was enjoying myself and my two liter bottle of Strongbow but then we went to this hot as balls club in London Bridge. First of all, London DJs stop stopping songs midway through and then restarting them. Secondly, AC was invented for a reason, we should really use it. I'm not a fan of sweating in a massive moshpit of people dressed up in halloween costumes with one hand not functioning because I have tinfoil claws attatched to them. Even the cheap alcohol did not justify the massive heat stroke I almost had because it was so damn hot in there. And then the trip home...I was just tired let's just leave it at that. I am sticking to Soho from now on for clubbing, more my scene.

Although this morning I woke up and probably went to class with eye liner still on but you know what I could care less. Tube delays caused me to almost be late for class. It took me an hour to get from Hampstead to Strand because of a signal failure (what else is new) on the Jubilee line. But then I got to class and Hermione was talking as usual, WAY TOO MUCH, but I've come to ignore that. Today Snape was going on about how the British are starting to say "Zee" instead of "Zed" in reference to the letter "Z" I swear the man is out to get me based on my twang...

So I think the moral of the story for all of this is you can't fix stupid.

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