Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sherlock Holmes Did Cocaine?

Yes, I did not know that but when doing the reading for Film Studies today I learned that Sherlock Holmes had a liking for cocaine and that Blake Edwards (Julie Andrew's husband) directed Breakfast at Tiffany's. This is how sad my life has become. But wait it gets sadder...

So the computer guy calls me today and says that my laptop has a motherboard problem because everytime he installs the new video card in it, the computer overpowers and just dies. He then proceedes to tell me that if I want that fixed it will cost £250 in addition to the service charge. I then asked him how long it would take he said, "I don't know I will call you back in a bit, but it will be long and £250. Cheers!" Then he hung up... Maybe its just me coming from the perspective of someone who does not say "cheers" on a daily basis, but saying that after telling me it's gonna cost me a shit ton to get my laptop fixed after not having it for a week was the equivalent of saying, "Ryan, I have bad news, grandma died...but have a great time at the funeral!"

I'm still waiting on the guy to call me back. Glad I'm not sitting by the phone or anything in anticipation. So now my newest plan is to buy a new laptop. Since the cheapest Mac here cost $1,300 and no I can't buy a computer from the US store in the UK I am buying one from Dell (again). Since I pay 75cents a minute on my phone I chatted with Dell online to call me since I discovered that I could not pay with a US debit card in the Dell UK store, and for some reason you can't buy them in any UK store. So I rush back from the PAWS room to get the phone call, give him all my personal information, and then you know what Raj (that was his real name) says to me, "Sorry sir your card is declined." And then I google maps, outlined the route to Tower Bridge and proceeded to jump off it...no in all honesty I didn't I just went back to the PAWS room and did it again after I got my bank to allow the charge. Only problem I still have yet to get that call back from Dell. I only have two papers due in the next two weeks but thats ok, take your time Dell.

So you know what was the highlight of my night? Going to Tesco at 9pm when everything is put on reduced!! Tonight's super deals included 19p pancakes and a tube of Quality Street we all split for only $4.50, original retail price £10.00. Yes reduced chocolate was my highlight. All I need is a tube of icecream and a British accent and gain about 50 pounds and I'll probably the male version of Bridget Jones given all the bad luck I have. Thank Jesus Geoff and Eve are coming this weekend!

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