Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Turkey With British Side Dishes

So I've been way too busy doing work and procrastinating to even blog. I forgot to talk all about my very British Thanksgiving.  Well it first started off at St. Paul's (where Diana got married- since Americans don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to British stuff unless it some what correlates to Diana). The Church was massive and I must say its nice to sit through mass without tourists taking photos a la Notre Dame. Although I must say that I did not appreciate the US Ambassador getting political from the pulpit. It wasn't the day nor the place. To make things worse I thought he was reading the President's Thanksgiving address and was done. Then I realized he was done reading his address, and then it was time for Barry's. Dear Jesus. Then the sermon was too long as well. The priest told like five stories none of which I can relate to. I would have preferred the typical Thanksgiving story just being retold or a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving at least. A Hampstead Thanksgiving was an epic fail, but given us I'm not too surprised. That isn't to say a GW Thanksgiving wasn't much more proper. I was all excited for a free Thanksgiving meal. The menu called for turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie etc. And you know what it was? (British friends don't take offense, there is just a time and a place for your cuisine, Thanksgiving just wasn't the time). It was turkey with British FUCKING side dishes, as I slightly tipsily told my family back in Florida later that evening. We had turkey, with Yorkshire puddings (I like those so that's fine; I can have those any day). But then we had roast potatoes, red cabbage, and broccoli!? Oh and when I wanted gravy on my turkey, I got it on all that. Yea....

Dessert? Well no pumpkin pie. Instead we had apple pie with custard or chocolate pie and cream. Now this cream isn't like whipped cream it's the type one would pour into coffee. I'll let you picture that. Must say though the apple pie was delish! I skipped the whole watching football part and then went clubbing instead.

Saturday though I did go to a football game. I froze my balls off. It was Fulham and Birmingham. I was impressed that GW got us such nice seats. We were literally six rows behind the goalie. I felt really proud of myself when I realized Clint Dempsey played for Fulham...the only American soccer player other then Landon Donovan I know. CLint scored, which prompeted me to chant U-S-A. No one joined me...oh well. After a freezing 90 minutes it was a 1-1 tie. I wasn't going to lose sleep over who won so I left.

I would like to the devote the last section of my blog to get political for one moment. America starting in 2011 you will have to make a choice that will affect you for many years to come. One that is bigger then the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy, DADT, or immigration reform. It is about television. You see starting in the fall of 2011, Cheryl Cole is going to become the new Paula Abdul on the American version of The X Factor. I'm warning you. It ain't gonna be pretty. This is what you are getting yourself into America! Don't say I warned you.

OH and also...I have my way of finding things out about a lot of things but especially how many views this blog gets, especially when you use google. I see what was searched to locate this blog. Here are two of my favorites from the past week: "Do people really hook up in the Maughan Library", "Funny Red Chair Stories", and "Helen Keller house in Amsterdam"....OK first of all, who googles the first one!? The second one I can see I suppose,and who ever is the moron who also though the Helen Keller house is in Amsterdam...I have found my soul mate. There is someone as dense as me out there!

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