Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Post

With 2010 coming to end and my journey to the UK now 5 (I think I'm so confused with the days anymore) days passed. It is time to me to write my final blog post...well final at least for this adventure.

Christmas will not be complete without looking back at a Rosalind Franklin Christmas that took place way back on December 12th. There was a sparkle in the air, the birds were chirping...ok that's all absolute and utter bull shit. I awoke from a crazy and fun night the night before, details of which are unnecessary to telling this story, to the great smell of our chickens Henrietta and Clucky in the over. For those of you that are wondering Clucky was the retarded chicken that sadly was put down because she was unable to lay eggs, she also wasn't as beautiful as her older sister Henrietta, so Laura tells me... Anyways, I began my morning by helping make snowflakes to decorate our window. I can't make a snow flake to save my life obviously because while everyone else had these really cool geometric details, mine was just a circle with a square and a few triangles in it. And naturally, everyone who walked into the kitchen was like "Look at all the snowflakes, except for the one in the top hand corner, who made that one!?" Way to embarrass me...

Next we started busting the bottles of Cava open (12 in all) and we went through every single one in a matter of hours. This led to numerous drunk dancing numbers including the Mocarena, the Cha Cha Slide, and some other dances I don't quite remember. And of course we danced on the chairs as usual. Then everyone on the floor came together for a nice meal  of roast chicken, sausages wrapped in bacon, carrots, roast potatoes, parsnips, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cranberry sauce, stuffing, homemade gravy, mince pies, and cake. All washed down with, yes you guessed it Cava! Then afterwards we had our secret Santa's revealed and gifts distributed. I am still touched by my gift of the yard long box of Jaffa Cakes and the picture of all my flatmates (well the ones I love at least) in the London picture frame. Thanks Becca! Especially love how Zoe was put into the picture! All in all it was a wonderful day and it felt just like Christmas, and as an even added bonus Matt won X Factor. Oh I forgot there was one casualty, Will's mattress which wound up on the room a la The Hangover...

So now lets fast forward to this Christmas! Upon opening her gift of tea from Harrods my grandmother goes crazy and is like "OHHHHHHH Ryan this is from the place Princess Diana's boyfriend's father, that Dodi owns!" Yes we are that obsessed by Harrod's that we know it solely as the place Princess Diana's boyfriend's father, that Dodi owns. Yes yes I do know it is now owned by some Qataris since Dodi's father sold it last year. My mom and grandfather were satisfied with their sweatshirts. My Dad freaked me out because he was unsure if my brother was going to like his Adidas Olympic Shirt because the logo was shiny and then he told me that silly bands are apparently out of style. Thankfully he liked both of them. Real shame about the silly bands though, they haven't even caught on in the US. I am starting a cult Jaffa Cakes following here and within the year we will be a forced to be reckoned with. People across the US will be demanding stores supply Jaffa Cakes. As far as Christmas Pudding...its good, but its not like...great.... no offense...

And now I may get a bit emotional (if its possible to do so via electronic typing). I would like to thank everyone across the pond for giving me some of the craziest, and quite possibly greatest, three months of my life. Sure there were some low points along the way, but hey that is a part of life and that happens. Looking back on it, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Each person that I met while studying abroad has touched me in some way from the people I love to the people who annoy the hell out of me. I know I'm starting to ramble, but I just wanna say that I love each and every single one of you and I can't wait to come back (there will be a reunion believe me, I have an incurable addiction to traveling) and get "shagged" abroad again!

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