Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shagged Abroad Parte Dos

So after consulting with my fan base I was convinced to bring back Shagged Abroad for a limited time engagement but instead of the UK were spicing things up a bit and GOING TO HONDURAS ( <--- that was in an Oprah accent by the way). Now that I'm thinking about it the phrase "limited time engagement" makes it sound like I'm Disney and I'm re-releasing some movie every decade so that a new generation can "experience the magic". Let's face it, that's just a ploy for Disney to make cash off unsuspecting parents who don't wanna listen to their kids bitch that their version of The Lion King is now outdated because the new version features a new song and bonus features, not to mention its 2 discs! I will try my best not to make this like a Disney movie re-release. This new blog will be exciting and tell my tales in Honduras as only I can tell them. There is a chance that I may not be able to update this daily so in the case of the event that that is indeed true, I may write it in a journal and then gradually update when I return to Los Estados Unidos in 2 weeks.

And I'm sure some of you are sitting there thinking, why the hell am I going to Honduras? Well I will be working with Paso Honduras learning development, traveling, and experiencing Honduran culture and society. One of the service site we will be working out includes an orphanage of little boys addicted to glue. So in a sense this blog will be a bit educational this time around (more than Greek Pottery I'm sure) There will be some fun along the way too! One weekend we will be hitting up the beach on the Pacific Ocean and another we will be visiting some Mayan ruins.

This will be my second time in Latin America so I now know what to do that I shouldn't have done in Peru. They include:

Do not climb a mountain at night during a rain storm....It only leads to you being absolutely soaked and nearly dead in the process

Stay away from guinea pigs. Yes, I ate a guinea pig while in Peru. It wasn't good. Meat should not be sweet and not tender, just saying. Plus, I wasn't a fan of the fact that they even showed me the little guy's head, feet, and arms.

As cute as the little children are it isn't OK to be the white Oprah and give them everything. This is mainly because of the fact that they form this bond to you that isn't fair to them once you leave them after a few days and secondly it gives them the notion that we can solve all their problems just through money. It also is offensive to the locals who are working hard to make the city, country etc. a better place. They work hard to provide for their families and they do appreciate some of the concern and gifts we give them, yet at the same time it hurts them because they aren't able to provide as much as we can. I don't know if that made much sense but until you're in the situation its kind of hard to comprehend.

Anyways, sorry to ruin the moment. That's all I have to say for now, since I am leaving for a few hours for Ft. Lauderdale and then Honduras, so hasta manana! (By the end of these two weeks you readers at home will know so much Spanish you won't even need to buy Muzzy or Rosetta Stone)

And for some info on Honduras check this out! 

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