Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Free From Snape

So my fan base has been pleading for a blog update. I had my final Greek pottery class and let me tell you it went out with a bang (literally). Snape must have been saving all the juicy stuff for the last class because we finally got to 400 BC and this is when all the he said, she said, artist drama started. I mean this may be the original celebrity feud. So apparently Exekias and Amasis did not like each other at all. Exekias made this beautiful (I say sarcastically...its a friggin cup) cup, which is famously called "The Eye Cup". Well Amasis didn't like the fact that Exekias didn't like him painting on the face of a cup a giant eye. Guess that wasn't the proper thing to do at the time in 400 BC, so as payback Amasis made the SAME cup only. Only difference is instead of an eye Amasis drew Exekias "pleasuring" himself both with his hands and a dildo. Yea, do a google search you will probably find it. Amasis didn't like Exekias so he called him gay. How childish...

Then today while hanging in my Greek Pottery essay (all 5,000 words of it), the other American study abroad student and I are bitching to the secretary about how boring and mundane the class was. Then I look over the corner of my shoulder and what do I see? Through the window, is Snape! I can tell by that same orange sweater he always wears. I kinda got nervous and laughed. Then me being the moron that I am when he walked in I just went "Heyyyyyy!" Who says hey to a Professor, only me...

Oh and this reminds me. On Tuesday I went to do some research for my paper because I needed to have a picture of the pots I described for my pottery paper. Well given my luck, the memory card reader on my camera wasn't working. It's a small card so it doesn't fit regularly in the port anyway so I wasn't taking any chances putting it in a University computer. So I figured no biggie I'll do a google search. I did hundreds of google searches on this damn pot " early geometric oinochoe jug wine jug" NOTHING. Nobody in the world has ever taken a picture of this pot. Guess I'm the only one that has ever found it interesting. Then I looked up the British Museum's database. They don't even have a picture of their own friggin pot. This is when I get annoyed though. I go all the way to Narnia, but you can't take any books out or look them up on the online database because they are currently updating the system...who the hell updates their library system mid-semester towards the end of term!? I swear if GW did that there would be riots in the street and people would be jumping off the roof of Gelman. I never ever thought I'd say I miss Gelman. I also miss GWorld since King's hasn't thought of the novel concept of allowing your student ID to store money. I had to purchase a separate card just to use the photocopiers. Get with the times already... To add insult to injury Snape never responded to my email begging for mercy. When I saw him today he was like, "Oh I thought I replied, I couldn't find the pot either so just show me next week when we go to the BM!" I was speechless.

I also went on an awesome adventure to get my secret Santa gift, but I won't say who because I don't want to give some people (Sheenagh) the satisfaction of knowing who I have!! Oh and tonight at 9pm while talking to my lover Anna, I had a craving for a chicken and bacon wrap from Tesco. I have become British...

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